Mac & Cheese. I love Mac & Cheese. And I know I am not alone in this...
I have been making my own Mac & Cheese for the last couple years (and I'm not talking about the stuff that comes in a box either) and it has always been a hit amongst my friends. The photo above is one of my standard Mac & Cheese that I prepare.
But after awhile, I got tired of doing the same ol' recipe, so for our Superbowl Party this year, I decided to take it to another level. And another thing was that my boy, Raz, said that although he loved my Mac & Cheese, he said that he loved Smith & Wollensky's Truffled Mac & Cheese more.
What?!? Better Mac & Cheese than mine? Hmph!
I'm not mad at it, but I definitely accepted that challenge...
I sampled two new recipes - a new Cheddar Mac & Cheese and a Truffle Mac & Cheese. Technically, I kicked up my Old Recipe for the first and then tried a whole New Recipe for the other. How I went about it was that I searched for 4-5 Recipes for each and then took bits & pieces of each to make New Recipes. It all turned out very well.
What I came up with for my standard Mac & Cheese, which as you can see from the photo above, looks essentially the same, but in flavor I kicked it up a little by adding Cayenne, instead of Nutmeg and I also added some Dijon Mustard. People liked this much more with the change in spices and I am glad that I tried it.
As for the Truffle Mac & Cheese, I couldn't have been happier with the outcome. I mean, how do you go wrong with Truffle? Needless to say, it was a huge hit and I cannot wait to make it again soon. Lucky friends, huh? You bet...
I need to go write down the Recipes now.
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