I feel like I just won the Epicurean Lottery... I just scored reservations for the French Laundry in February! I can barely contain my excitement! I have been dying to go there... Not just because it is the ultimate dining experience next to El Bulli in Spain, but because I am so fascinated with Thomas Keller after reading Michael Ruhlman's book, The Soul of A Chef. And also, now that I am leaving the Bay Area next Spring it is all about doing or rather, eating at all of the places that have been on my most coveted list.
Here's how it went down:
I had heard all of these tips about how to get a reservation, you know, like calling 2 months to the date, booking on OpenTable.com at 12 midnight, etc. etc...
I tried calling for a reservation at 10am this morning and could not get through... Then after lunch, I started doing the old redial and connected... After being on hold for five minutes or so, I got a live person/reservationist and was able to make a rez for the weekend after Valentine's Day week. It is exactly 2 months to the date...
Unbelievable. But I got it!
I will now be counting down the days...
Please pardon me in the meantime while I go do some cartwheels...